1. Confidea F-DD

Confidea Flushmount Delegate Discussion Unit


The Confidea F-DD is Televic’s delegate panel for basic discussion systems, equipped with an integrated speaker.

  • Its small form factor, housed in an elegant casing, permits a minimalistic integration into any meeting room furniture.
  • The integrated speaker creates a distributed sound field in the meeting room, increasing intelligibility without the need for an additional room sound system.
  • The panel has a screw-lock connector to fit a removable microphone (available in 30, 40 or 50 cm versions). A 3.5 mm jack socket is available to connect headphones or a hearing loop for the hearing impaired. The chairman version of this panel has additional controls (see Confidea F-CD 71.98.0511).

2. Confidea F-CD

Confidea Flushmount Chairman Discussion Unit


The Confidea F-CD is Televic’s chairman panel for basic discussion systems, equipped with an integrated speaker.

  • Its small form factor, housed in an elegant casing, permits a
    minimalistic integration into any meeting room furniture.
  • The integrated speaker creates a distributed sound field in the meeting room, increasing intelligibility without the need for an additional room sound system.
  • The panel has a screw-lock connector to fit a removable microphone (available in 30, 40 or 50 cm versions). A 3.5 mm jack socket is available to connect headphones or
    a hearing loop for the hearing impaired. The chairman version has 2 additional buttons compared to the delegate unit: “Next-in-line” and “Priority”.

3. Confidea F-DV

Confidea Flushmount Delegate Voting Unit


The Confidea F-DV is Televic’s delegate panel for basic discussion systems, with an integrated speaker and electronic voting.

  • Its small form factor, housed in an elegant casing, permits a minimalistic integration into any meeting room furniture. The integrated speaker creates a distributed sound field in the meeting room, increasing intelligibility without the
    need for an additional room sound system.
  • The panel has a screw-lock connector to fit a removable microphone (available in 30, 40 or 50 cm versions). A 3.5 mm jack socket is available to connect headphones or a hearing loop for the hearing impaired.
  • The voting systems includes 5 voting buttons and an RFID card reader for identification and authentication. The chairman version of this panel has additional controls (see
    Confidea F-CV 71.98.0512).

4.Confidea F-CV

Confidea Flushmount Chairman Voting Unit


The Confidea F-CV is Televic’s chairman panel for basic discussion systems, with an integrated speaker and electronic voting.

  • Its small form factor, housed in an elegant casing, permits a minimalistic integration into any meeting room furniture.The integrated speaker creates a distributed sound field in the meeting room, increasing intelligibility without the need for an additional room sound system.
  • The panel has a screw-lock connector to fit a removable microphone (available in 30, 40 or 50 cm versions). A 3.5 mm jack socket is available to connect headphones or a hearing loop for the hearing impaired.
  • The voting systems includes 5 voting buttons and an RFID card reader for identification and authentication. The chairman version has 2 additional buttons compared to the
    delegate unit: “Next-in-line” and “Priority”.

5.Confidea F-DI

Confidea Flushmount Delegate Interpretation Unit


The Confidea F-DI is Televic’s delegate panel for discussion systems, with an integrated speaker and simultaneous interpretation.

  • Its small form factor, housed in an elegant casing, permits a minimalistic integration into any meeting room furniture.The integrated speaker creates a distributed sound field in the meeting room, increasing intelligibility without the need for an additional room sound system.
  • The panel has a screw-lock connector to fit a removable microphone (available in 30, 40 or 50 cm versions). A 3.5 mm jack socket is available to connect headphones or a hearing loop for the hearing impaired. For simultaneous interpretation, the panel has a channel selector and headphones volume adjustment.
  • The information display shows the channel number & ISO code of the selected language and the volume setting. The chairman version of this panel has additional controls (see Confidea F-CI 71.98.0513).

6.Confidea F-CI

Confidea Flushmount Chairman Interpretation Unit


The Confidea F-CI is Televic’s chairman panel for discussion systems, with an integrated speaker and simultaneous interpretation.

  • Its small form factor, housed in an elegant casing, permits a minimalistic integration into any meeting room furniture.The integrated speaker creates a distributed sound field in the meeting room, increasing intelligibility without the need for an additional room sound system.
  • The panel has a screw-lock connector to fit a removable microphone (available in 30, 40 or 50 cm versions). A 3.5 mm jack socket is available to connect headphones or a hearing loop for the hearing impaired. For simultaneous interpretation, the panel has a channel selector and headphones volume adjustment.
  • The information display shows the ISO code of the selected language and the volume setting. The chairman version has 2 additional buttons compared to the delegate unit: “Next-in-line” and “Priority”.

7.Confidea F-DIV

Confidea Flushmount Delegate Interpretation & Voting Unit


The Confidea F-DIV is Televic’s delegate panel for discussion systems, with an integrated speaker, simultaneous interpretation & electronic voting.

  • Its small form factor, housed in an elegant casing, permits a minimalistic integration into any meeting room furniture.The integrated speaker creates a distributed sound field in the meeting room, increasing intelligibility without the need for an additional room sound system.
  • The panel has a screw-lock connector to fit a removable microphone (available in 30, 40 or 50 cm versions). A 3.5 mm jack socket is available to connect headphones or a hearing loop for the hearing impaired. For simultaneous interpretation, the panel has a channel selector and headphones volume adjustment.
  • The information display shows the ISO code of the selected language and the volume setting. The voting systems includes 5 voting buttons and an RFID card reader for identification and authentication. The chairman version of this panel has additional controls (see Confidea F-CIV 71.98.0514)

8.Confidea F-CIV

Confidea Flushmount Chairman Interpretation & Voting Unit


The Confidea F-CIV is Televic’s chairman panel for discussion systems, with an integrated speaker, simultaneous interpretation & electronic voting.

  • Its small form factor, housed in an elegant casing, permits a minimalistic integration into any meeting room furniture.The integrated speaker creates a distributed sound field in the meeting room, increasing intelligibility without the need for an additional room sound system.
  • The panel has a screw-lock connector to fit a removable microphone (available in 30, 40 or 50 cm versions). A 3.5 mm jack socket is available to connect headphones or a hearing loop for the hearing impaired. For simultaneous interpretation, the panel has a channel selector and headphones volume adjustment.
  • The information display shows the ISO code of the selected language and the volume setting. The voting systems includes 5 voting buttons and an RFID card reader for identification and authentication. The chairman version has 2 additional buttons compared to the delegate unit: “Nextin-line” and “Priority”.